Ripped Paper Title.gif


Create Text and Karton Layer

  1. Select type tool or press CTRL/CMD + T and create a Text
  2. Choose your font and style your text
  3. Select your Text Layer and Click Create Karton
  4. This creates a new Shape Layer beneath your Text Layer with a custom *Karton* effect.
  5. Change the color on your Karton Layer and adjust the *Padding* as needed


Create a Control Layer

  1. Add a *Null Layer* and add a *Slider Effect*
  2. Rename your *Null Layer* to “Control Layer”
  3. Rename the *Slider Effect* to “Seed”

<aside> 💡 Later, we will use the "Seed" layer to control the ripping and distortion.



Create the Ripped-Paper-Effect

Turbulent Displace #1

This will be a big displacement

  1. Select your Karton Layer

  2. Add *Turbulent Displace*

  3. In my case, on a 1920×1080px composition, Set the value as seen in the screenshot.

  4. Add an expression on the *Offset (Turbulence)* value:

  5. Add an expression on the *Random Seed* value

  6. Pickwhip the “Seed” Slider value previously created

Turbulent Displace #2

This will be a small displacement

  1. Duplicate the the created effect
  2. In my case on a 1920×1080px composition, Set the value as seen on the screenshot
  3. Leave the *Offset (Turbulence)* as is

Fractal Noise

This will create a paper texture

  1. Add *Fractal Noise*

  2. In my case, on a 1920×1080px composition with an off-white Karton, Add the value as seen in the screenshot.

  3. Add an expression on the *Offset Turbulence* value:

  4. Add an expression on the *Random Seed* value

  5. Pickwhip the “Seed” Slider value previously created

  6. Don’t forget to set the *Blending Mode* to *Multiply*

<aside> 💡 The toComp(value) function will ensure that the ripped edge moves with the Text Layer.



Create the lines

  1. Duplicate the Karton Layer
  2. On the duplicated Layer Set the *Fill* to *None*
  3. Set the *Stroke* to *2px* and recolor to blue
  4. Set the *Padding* to *2px*
  5. Set the *Padding left* and Padding Right to around *100*

<aside> 💡 The goal of setting the *Padding left* and *Padding Right* to over *150 %* is to extend the paper layer, creating a line-like appearance.



Create Matte

  1. Delete the *Fractal Noise* effect and the *Turbulent Displace #2* – but leave the *Turbulent Displace #1* as is
  2. Make the paper layer a trackmatte of the line layer


Create advanced Dropshadow

If you prefer, you can create a default drop shadow and skip this step, but I prefer making an advanced one since it looks much more sophisticated.

  1. Create a new *Solid Layer* or Double Click the *Rectangle Tool*
  2. Rename to “Shadow Dark”


Create advanced Dropshadow

CC Composite

  1. Select your new shadow layer
  2. Add *CC Composite*
  3. Set the value as seen in the screenshot

Turbulent Displace

  1. Copy the *Turbulent Displace* created on the paper and Paste it here


  1. Add *Fill* effect
  2. Make the fill *Black*


  1. Add *Offset* effect
  2. Add *2px* to the default value (960 → 962 and 540 → 542)


  1. Add *Minimax* effect
  2. Set the value as seen in the screenshot

Gaussian Blur

  1. Add *Gaussian Blur* effect
  2. Set the *Blurriness* to *2px*

<aside> 💡 This whole setup will create a duplicate of the paper layer, distort it, and blur it.



Adjust Shadow Opacity

  1. Select the shadow layer
  2. Decrease the opacity to around *35 %*