

Create Text Layer

  1. Select *Type Tool* or press CTRL/CMD + T and create a Text
  2. Choose your font and style your text


Create Karton Layer

  1. Select your Text Layer and Click Create Karton
  2. This creates a new Shape Layer beneath your Text Layer with a custom *Karton* effect.
  3. Change the color on your Karton Layer and adjust the *Padding* as needed


Duplicate Karton Layer

  1. Select your Karton Layer and/or Select your Text Layer and Click Duplicate
  2. This this will create a new Text Layer and a new Karton Layer


Style your duplicated Karton Layer

  1. Select your duplicated Karton Layer and adjust the styling as needed


Parent Layers

  1. To make sure that the “Description” Layer always stays on the left-bottom corner of your “Name Surname” Layer you can use the *Parent* feature
  2. First Select your Parent Layer (”Name Surname”) and second Select your Child Layer (”Description”)
  3. Click Parent
  4. If you want to change the position of the Child, drag the small handle around the Parent Button (Optional)


Keyframe “Name Surname” Layer

  1. Click on the “Name Surname” Karton Layer
  2. Go to the *Effects Control Panel*
  3. Set two keyframes on *Scale from Right* from *0 %* to *100 %*
  4. Ease keyframes as needed


Change *Parent at Time*

You will notices that the “Desciption” Layer will move with the corner of the “Name Surname” Layer. In this case we want the Child Layer to be stationary.

To archive this, you can set the Parent at Time option on the “Description” Layer to Mid Point. This will tell the “Description” Layer to look at the position of the “Name Surname” Layer at the Mid Point in time (the time between the In- and Out Point of a the “Name Surname” Layer).

  1. Click on the “Description” Karton Layer
  2. Go to the *Effects Control Panel*
  3. Go to the *Parent* tab
  4. Set *Parent at Time* to *Mid Point*


Make the Karton Layer an alpha matte

  1. Click on the “Name Surname” Text Layer
  2. In the *Track Mattes* tab in the timeline, Select the “Name Surname” Karton Layer
  3. Make the “Name Surname” Karton Layer visible again
  4. Click on the “Description” Text Layer
  5. In the *Track Mattes* tab, Select the “Description” Karton Layer
  6. Make the “Description” Karton Layer visible again


Keyframe “Description” Layer

  1. Click on the “Description” Karton Layer
  2. Go to the *Effects Control Panel*
  3. Set two keyframes on the *Scale form Right* from *0 %* to *100 %*
  4. Ease keyframes as needed


Prepare for Essential Graphics

  1. On both Text Layer, Select the *Source Text*
  2. While both highlighted Right Click *Source Text* on any and Left Click *Add Property to Essential Graphics*



  1. Create a new composition and Drag the Lower Third composition into it.
  2. Open *Properties*, Select the composition in the timeline
  3. Under *Essential Properties* change the text as needed
  4. Celebrate!!!🎉🎊🎈🥳